regarding the series we were able to obtain an interview with the AVC set. The interview took place at the Baldar Mansion during fiming, we were warmly greeted by Gulay Mercan one of the directors. After a short conversation she was concerned that the weather was very cold and they had shots that needed to be done outdoors and she had to go and see what the situation was. This woman was also a director for the series ASI, and also for the series Gonulcelen. She is also married to another director Cevdet Mercan. We also discussed the comparisons between the 3 series. AVC is truly at times filmed under very difficult circumstances.
اعضاء اسرة الحب والعقاب مع كل رسائل التي كتبتموها تحية للمسلسل استطعنا عمل لقاء مع فريق الحب والعقاب وتم عمل الحوار في منزل بالادار اثناء التصوير وتم الترحيب بنا بدفء مع احدى المخرجين اسمها Gulay Mercan وبعد حوار قصير كانت مركزة على ان الجو بارد جدا وهناك لقطات لابد من تصويرها في الخارج وعليها ان تذهب وترى كيف يكون الوضع هذه المرأة ايضا مخرجة عاصي وخاطفة القلوب ومتزوجة من مخرج اخر هو Cevdet Mercan وناقشنا المقارنة بين 3 مسلسلات والحب والعقاب تم تصويره تحت ظروف صعبة جدا
While speaking with Gulay, Nurgul Yesilcay was finished with her taping and came by and said and we had a very short conversation with her. But she was being called to makeup and therefore had to leave. At this time Murat Yildirim noticed us, but was in the middle of taping and just said and resumed taping.
اثناء وانا اتحدث ل Gulay انهت نورغول تصويرها واقتربت وتحدثنا حديث قصير جدا معها لكن نادوا عليها للمكياج ولابد ان تمشي وفي هذه اللحظة لاحظنا مراديلدريم لكن كان اثناء التصوير وتحدث واكمل تصوير
After Murat ildirim was finished taping he came over and we all went and sat in the living room of the mansion. We explained to him who we were and informed him of all the things that are written about him and the series on the internet by his very large fanbase. We also explained that his fanbase is very large in the middle east countries and that he receives alot of honorable mentions from the area. He said that he does know that he is loved by many in the Arab world, and that in the near future he would love to visit and meet with his fans in the area. He was also told that he was chosen as the number 1 actor in the Arab world
بعد ان انهى مراد تصويره جاء وذهبنا كلنا لمكان المعيشة للبيت اخبرناه من نحن وعرفناه كل ما كتب عنه والمسلسل على الانترنت من خلال قاعدة معجبين كبيرة جدا. وقلنا ان قاعدة معجبيه من دول الشرق الاوسط كبيرة جدا وقد وصله تعليقات مشرفة من المنطقة قال هو يعرف انه محبوب في الدول العربية وفي المستقبل القريب يحب زيارة معجبيه الكثيرون في الوطن العربي وقيل له انه اختير ممثل رقم واحد في الوطن العربي
We did discuss the concerns, questions, and comments that his fan base has about the series. It was a good conversation but due to the d emotions. He said that once this series ends he plans on taking some time off away from the screen to relax and regain himself. He was happy, laughing and quite cheerful during the interview
ناقشنا الاهتمامات والاسئلة والتعليقات لمعجبينه . عن المسلسل كان حوار جيد لكن لابد ان نتفق ل يمكن معرفة اي تفاصيل في الحلقات المستقبلية الشيء الوحيد هو انه مهتم جدا بكيف يشعر مراد حول الحلقة ويحترم شعورهم وعواطفهم وقال بمجرد نهاية المسلسل يخطط لاخذ بعض الوقت راحة من الشاشة ويستعيد نفسه كان سعيدا ويضحك ومرح جدا اثناء الحوار
We also mentioned that his fans would like us ATV to present with him a special fan award for his achievements. He said he would be happy to accept that award at a function that will take place at a later date. We will be planning this event for sometime in the near future. The interview had to end here as he had a appointment which he needed to attend. We expressed our gratitude that he took time from his busy schedule to spend with us so that we can express the love of his fanbase.
الحظنا ايضا ان معجبيه سيحبونا عندما نقدم له جائزة معجبين خاصة لانجازاته قال انه سعيد لاخذه هذه الجائزة وسيحدد لها مكان ووقت اخر ونحن سنخطط لهذا الحدث في المستقبل القريب الحوار لابد ان ينتهي هنا لان عنده موعد ولابد ان يذهب اليه لقد عبرنا له عن تقديرنا انه اعطانا وقت من جدوله المزدحم لبقضيه معنا لنعبر له حب معجبيه
He asked us to relay to all his fanbase especially the ones in the Arab world, his sincere gratitude and regards. You could tell from his mannerisms and demeanor how happy he was to hear about what his fan base thinks of him. He was warm, gentle, and loving as he spoke and we feel that his fan base is very lucky to have such an idol
طلب منا ان نبلغ معجبيه خاصة في الوطن العربي تحياته المخلصة وسلامه يمكن ان تقول من اخلاقه وسلوكه كم كان سعيدا ليسمع عن كيف يفكر به معجبيه كان دافء مهذب وحبوب وهويتحدث ونحن نشعر ان محبيه محظوظين به جدا ليحصلوا على هذا المثالي القدوة
اعضاء اسرة الحب والعقاب مع كل رسائل التي كتبتموها تحية للمسلسل استطعنا عمل لقاء مع فريق الحب والعقاب وتم عمل الحوار في منزل بالادار اثناء التصوير وتم الترحيب بنا بدفء مع احدى المخرجين اسمها Gulay Mercan وبعد حوار قصير كانت مركزة على ان الجو بارد جدا وهناك لقطات لابد من تصويرها في الخارج وعليها ان تذهب وترى كيف يكون الوضع هذه المرأة ايضا مخرجة عاصي وخاطفة القلوب ومتزوجة من مخرج اخر هو Cevdet Mercan وناقشنا المقارنة بين 3 مسلسلات والحب والعقاب تم تصويره تحت ظروف صعبة جدا
While speaking with Gulay, Nurgul Yesilcay was finished with her taping and came by and said and we had a very short conversation with her. But she was being called to makeup and therefore had to leave. At this time Murat Yildirim noticed us, but was in the middle of taping and just said and resumed taping.
اثناء وانا اتحدث ل Gulay انهت نورغول تصويرها واقتربت وتحدثنا حديث قصير جدا معها لكن نادوا عليها للمكياج ولابد ان تمشي وفي هذه اللحظة لاحظنا مراديلدريم لكن كان اثناء التصوير وتحدث واكمل تصوير
After Murat ildirim was finished taping he came over and we all went and sat in the living room of the mansion. We explained to him who we were and informed him of all the things that are written about him and the series on the internet by his very large fanbase. We also explained that his fanbase is very large in the middle east countries and that he receives alot of honorable mentions from the area. He said that he does know that he is loved by many in the Arab world, and that in the near future he would love to visit and meet with his fans in the area. He was also told that he was chosen as the number 1 actor in the Arab world
بعد ان انهى مراد تصويره جاء وذهبنا كلنا لمكان المعيشة للبيت اخبرناه من نحن وعرفناه كل ما كتب عنه والمسلسل على الانترنت من خلال قاعدة معجبين كبيرة جدا. وقلنا ان قاعدة معجبيه من دول الشرق الاوسط كبيرة جدا وقد وصله تعليقات مشرفة من المنطقة قال هو يعرف انه محبوب في الدول العربية وفي المستقبل القريب يحب زيارة معجبيه الكثيرون في الوطن العربي وقيل له انه اختير ممثل رقم واحد في الوطن العربي
We did discuss the concerns, questions, and comments that his fan base has about the series. It was a good conversation but due to the d emotions. He said that once this series ends he plans on taking some time off away from the screen to relax and regain himself. He was happy, laughing and quite cheerful during the interview
ناقشنا الاهتمامات والاسئلة والتعليقات لمعجبينه . عن المسلسل كان حوار جيد لكن لابد ان نتفق ل يمكن معرفة اي تفاصيل في الحلقات المستقبلية الشيء الوحيد هو انه مهتم جدا بكيف يشعر مراد حول الحلقة ويحترم شعورهم وعواطفهم وقال بمجرد نهاية المسلسل يخطط لاخذ بعض الوقت راحة من الشاشة ويستعيد نفسه كان سعيدا ويضحك ومرح جدا اثناء الحوار
We also mentioned that his fans would like us ATV to present with him a special fan award for his achievements. He said he would be happy to accept that award at a function that will take place at a later date. We will be planning this event for sometime in the near future. The interview had to end here as he had a appointment which he needed to attend. We expressed our gratitude that he took time from his busy schedule to spend with us so that we can express the love of his fanbase.
الحظنا ايضا ان معجبيه سيحبونا عندما نقدم له جائزة معجبين خاصة لانجازاته قال انه سعيد لاخذه هذه الجائزة وسيحدد لها مكان ووقت اخر ونحن سنخطط لهذا الحدث في المستقبل القريب الحوار لابد ان ينتهي هنا لان عنده موعد ولابد ان يذهب اليه لقد عبرنا له عن تقديرنا انه اعطانا وقت من جدوله المزدحم لبقضيه معنا لنعبر له حب معجبيه
He asked us to relay to all his fanbase especially the ones in the Arab world, his sincere gratitude and regards. You could tell from his mannerisms and demeanor how happy he was to hear about what his fan base thinks of him. He was warm, gentle, and loving as he spoke and we feel that his fan base is very lucky to have such an idol
طلب منا ان نبلغ معجبيه خاصة في الوطن العربي تحياته المخلصة وسلامه يمكن ان تقول من اخلاقه وسلوكه كم كان سعيدا ليسمع عن كيف يفكر به معجبيه كان دافء مهذب وحبوب وهويتحدث ونحن نشعر ان محبيه محظوظين به جدا ليحصلوا على هذا المثالي القدوة
الأحد فبراير 18, 2018 10:05 pm من طرف sarahmuratagha
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